Vote for Barbara Fuller!

– on May 14th –

West Virginia – House District 98

Get To Know Your Next Delegate – Barbara Fuller!

A Delegate Who Stands For Freedom!


Meet Barbara Fuller:

Barbara Fuller has been a tireless advocate for our community for years, and now she wants to fight for YOU in the West Virginia House of Delegates. Barbara’s commitment to conservative values and her passion to inspire change amongst the West Virginia youth makes her the best choice for State Delegate.



Fuller Will Fight To:

  • LOWER TAXES – Promoting economic growth and personal financial freedom by advocating for lower taxes and responsible government spending.
  • PROTECT GUN RIGHTS – Empowering responsible citizens with the fundamental right to bear arms for their protection and freedom.
  • PRO LIFE – Championing the sanctity of life from conception to natural end, standing firm on the value of every life.



On May 14th

Vote Barbara Fuller

For West Virginia House Delegate

Barbara Fuller Will Defend the Rights of the Unborn!

While RINOs across West Virginia and America waiver in their convictions…

…Barbara Fuller will always stand tall to defend the rights of the unborn!


“I am adopted, and my conception falls under one of those options that the recent Heartbeat Bill says should be allowable for abortion. I see this as an attack on me personally, with someone saying that, basically, I don’t have the right to live. I believe all children should have a voice, born and unborn.” -Barbara Fuller


Don’t Back Down from the Fight to Protect Innocent Life

Vote to Protect the Unborn!

Vote for Barbara Fuller on May 14th!

Barbara Fuller Will Fight for Education Freedom!

Every Student Deserves a Chance to Succeed

Barbara Fuller is fighting to give parents the power to choose the best education for their children!


Barbara Fuller vows to stand for:

  • Education Freedom
  • Teaching real history, not woke indoctrination to our students
  • Accountability for our taxpayer dollars


Give Our Students the Education They Deserve!

Vote for Education Freedom!

Vote for Barbara Fuller on May 14th!





EARLY VOTING May 1st – May 11th



Support Barbara Fuller for West Virginia House of Delegates!



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Pol. Adv. Paid for by Make Liberty Win. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.