Vote for Noelle Kahaian!

– on May 21st –

Georgia – House District 81

Get To Know Your Next Representative – Noelle Kahaian!

A Representative Who Stands For Freedom!


Meet Noelle Kahaian:

Noelle Kahaian is a conservative fighter who wants to keep our state on the right track. Her track record of conservative activism and service to others distinguishes her as a leader in our community.  Noelle is a small business owner, advocate for election integrity, supports parental rights in education, and volunteer at her local pregnancy center.



Kahaian Will Fight To:

  • LOWER TAXES – Promoting economic growth and personal financial freedom by advocating for lower taxes and responsible government spending.
  • PROTECT GUN RIGHTS – Empowering responsible citizens with the fundamental right to bear arms for their protection and freedom.
  • PRO LIFE – Championing the sanctity of life from conception to natural end, standing firm on the value of every life.

On May 21st

Vote Noelle Kahaian

For Georgia State Representative

Noelle Kahaian Will Protect the Second Amendment!

Noelle Kahaian is a True Patriot

Kahaian will protect our right to bear arms


Noelle will:

  • Never vote for gun control
  • Advance pro-2nd Amendment legislation
  • Be a leading voice for freedom in the Georgia House


Vote for a Representative that Will Have Your Back!

Vote for the 2nd Amendment!

Vote for Noelle Kahaian on May 21st!





EARLY VOTING April 29th – May 17th




Support Noelle Kahaian for Georgia State House!



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Pol. Adv. Paid for by Make Liberty Win. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.