Vote For Rep. Leadbeter!

– on April 23rd –

Pennsylvania House Representative – District 109 

Get To Know Your Representative – Rep. Robert Leadbeter!

A Representative Who Leads Better!


Meet Robert Leadbeter:

Leadbeter, as a family man, successful entrepreneur, and community figure, understands the issues Pennsylvania’s families, elders, and small enterprises face. In Harrisburg, he backs initiatives to cut taxes, boost the economy, enhance individual liberties, and minimize government interference. He also champions the cause of local farmers, small businesses, and working families.



Leadbeter Will Fight To:

  • LOWER TAXES – Promoting economic growth and personal financial freedom by advocating for lower taxes and responsible government spending.
  • PROTECT GUN RIGHTS – Empowering responsible citizens with the fundamental right to bear arms for their protection and freedom.
  • IMPROVE EDUCATION – Advocating for educational freedom, ensuring every family has the right to choose the best schooling option for their children.



On April 23rd

Re-Elect Rep. Robert Leadbeter 

For Pennsylvania  House Representative


Rep. Leadbeter Leads Better on Education!

State Rep. Robert Leadbeter Empowers YOU As Parents To Choose The Best Path for YOUR Children!



Robert gets an A+ for defending our local schools!!




In just one term, Rep. Leadbeter has: 

  •   Co-Sponsored a bill giving your student an Education Freedom Account, allowing your tax dollars to follow your student to a school of your choice
  •   Co-Sponsored a bill eliminating woke curriculum
  •   Consistently stood up against special interests to defend our children and fully fund our local schools!




A proper education is the foundation of America’s next generation. Leadbeter will advocate for educational freedom, ensuring every family has the right to choose the best schooling option for their children.




Defend Our Children’s Future! 

Vote for Robert Ledbetter

On April 23rd! 



Robert Leadbeter Stands for Educational Freedom!

State Rep. Robert Leadbeter is standing up to special interests to empower parents in Pennsylvania, giving every student an Education Freedom Account so your tax dollars follow your child.



In his first term, State Representative Robert Leadbeter, co-sponsored the Student Freedom Account Act. 

The Student Freedom Account Act will:

  • Expand educational freedom, funding students to attend their school of choice
  • Prioritize parents and students above special interest groups
  • Increase funding for our local schools




Vote for a Tried and True Advocate for Education in the Republican Primary!




A Vote for Robert Leadbeter

Is A Vote For Educational Freedom! 

Primary Election on April 23rd!



Robert Leadbeter Is Empowering Parents!

State Representative Robert Ledbetter is a Tried and True Advocate for Education!



State RepRobert Leadbeter Leads Better On Education!



Leadbeter has led the way to:

  • Fully fund our local schools
  •   Stop sexually explicit and racist woke curriculum in our schools
  • Empower parents to make the best choices for their children




Robert Stands Up for Teachers and Students! 




On April 23rd

Vote for Education! 

Vote for Robert Leadbeter!





VOTE April 23rd




Support Rep. Robert Leadbeter For Pennsylvania House Representative 



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